Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog 10

After the conference, I narrowed out my topic a bit. More specifically, in public discourse, people tend to put all the blame on teachers as to why our public school system is failing. I will research why that is (perphaps a consumerism p.o.v, "my taxes pay your salary" approach) and the factors that also play a big part in how successful a student is in school (focusing on elementary level teaching). I plan on first pulling up articles that touch on this subject. It's important that my sources be reliable and as unbiased as possible, so I will pull up several articles from library databases. My next step will be to conduct some interviews. There are teachers that taught me in elementary school that I can think to talk to. I also want to interview a parent who currently has a child in elementary school. Finally, I would like to also interview a student. Perphas I can ask the child of the parent I interview a few questions as well.

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