Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blog 13

Short Analysis Project

Research Question: What does what I find funny say about myself/my interests?
Animal characters
Double meanings/wordplay
Structure (length, plot, setting, etc.)
What these features say about me
There was a snake called Nate. His purpose in life was to stay in the desert and guard the lever. Animal character personified. This lever was no ordinary lever. It was the lever that if moved would destroy the world. Nate took his job very seriously. He let nothing get close to the lever. The element of absurdity; far from anything possible in reality.
One day off in the distance he saw a cloud of dust. He kept his eye on it because he was guarding the lever. The dust cloud continued to move closer to the lever. Nate saw that it was a huge boulder and it was heading straight for the lever!
Nate thought about what he could do to save the world. He decided if he could get in front of the boulder he could deflect it and it would miss the lever. Nate slithered quickly to intersect the boulder. The boulder ran over Nate, but it was, in fact, deflected, leaving history to conclude that is was better Nate than lever. “Better late than never”. If someone had never heard the phrase before, this story would probably be dumb to them.

Some friars wanted to do more for their flock but their vow of poverty, simple lifestyle and lack of gainful employment meant that their supply of available funds was, to say the least, meager. Nevertheless, they put their collective heads together and came up with the idea of opening a small florist shop. They reasoned that they could grow most of the flowers on the church grounds, and what they couldn't grow, they could likely pick from the surrounding countryside. As you can probably guess, everyone liked to buy flowers from the men of God and their little business flourished. So much so that the rival florist across town thought the competition was unfair. Business setting; can make this funnier to someone that is familiar with this setting because it’s relatable. He asked the good fathers to close their little shop, but their flower business was providing them with much-needed funds for their good works and they refused. He went back time and again, finally begging the friars to close. By this time, they had tired of the florist's constant whining and they ignored him. The success of the friar’s business is causing the florist’s business to suffer. It is funny to me that the cause of the conflict is a friar; the ironic contrast is surprising.  The florist even asked his mother to go and ask the friars to get out of the flower business, but they ignored her, too.
By this time, the florist was nearly bankrupt and in desperation hired Hugh MacTaggart, the roughest and most vicious thug in town, to "persuade" the good friars to close. Being a man of few morals and even fewer religious convictions, Hugh had no ethical problems with his assigned task and promptly gave the friars a thorough beating and trashed their store. The use of violence is an absurdity; the fact that the florist had to go to those lengths to resolve his problem. He departed with a stern warning that he’d be back if they didn’t close the shop. Terrified, the friars did so immediately, thereby proving that only Hugh can prevent florist friars. “Only you can prevent forest fires.” You have to be familiar with Smokey the bear ads in order for this story to make any sense.

A giant panda escaped from the zoo in New York. Animal character personified; it is funny to picture an animal in an urban setting; relatable to me. Eventually, he found his way downtown and walked into a restaurant, where he found a seat at an empty table. The maître d', being a native New Yorker figures he's seen stranger things than this so he sends over a waiter to take the panda's order. It’s funny to me since I’ve been in this setting; an absurdity taking place in a familiar setting. In due course the panda's meal arrives and he eats.
After he finishes his dinner he stands up, calmly pulls out a gun from God-knows-where he had it hidden, and blows away several customers and a couple of the waiters. Then he turns around and walks toward the door. This is much unexpected.
Naturally, the maître d' is horrified. He stops the panda and demands an explanation, at the very least.
The panda says to him, "What do I look like to you"?
The maître d' answers, "Well, a giant panda, of course."
"That's right," says the panda, "Look it up," and he walks out.
The maître d' calls the police. When they arrive the maître d' relates the whole story to them, including the panda's comment about looking it up. So the chief detective sends a rookie out to get an encyclopedia.
He eventually returns with the Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume P. The detective looks up "panda", and there's the answer: "Giant panda, lives in China, eats shoots and leaves." The double meaning is funny.

Robinson Crusoe fell desperately ill. Just before dropping into a coma, he called for his man Friday to help him. "Friday, get help! Get help!"
"Yes!" Friday replied, "Get help now!" Not knowing what else to do, he went outside of Crusoe's tent and danced and prayed for the gods to come and help his master.
Shortly afterwards, he went back into Crusoe's tent and found his master awake and staring at a beautiful glowing shape at the foot of his bed.
"Who is that?" Robinson Crusoe asked.
His helper answered, "Thank Friday! It's God!" “Thank god it’s Friday.” If you don’t know this phrase, this story wouldn’t have been funny.

All the top chess players show up at a hotel for an important international tournament. They spend the first hour hanging around the lobby telling each other of their recent victories. Their crows get progressively louder and louder as each one tries to outdo the others.
The hotel manager gets tired of this, so he throws them out of the lobby and tells them to go to their rooms. "If there's one thing I can't stand," he says, "its chess nuts boasting by an open foyer." “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire” song lyrics. This story would have been funnier to me if I was more familiar with chess.

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