Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Writing for Cyberspace: Blog 2 Boyd

"Friends, Friendsters, and Myspace Top 8"
        I cannot really say much in regards to this topic, since I have never had any type of social online profile. The reason for this is because I have never really perceived them as useful, and they just do not call my attention. Something about exposing or presenting yourself online so publicly has also deterred me. I know I am  rarity in my generation, where it seems as though anything anyone ever wants to do is exhibit themselves. There is no sense of privacy anymore. I am content with my small circle of friends that I can truly call my friends, spend time with them on regular basis, without any ambiguities or different meanings behind it. Social profiles blew up when I was a freshman in high school. I saw so many stupid, senseless fights and altercations break out amongst people I knew, just because, she/he said something crazy about you on their profile, or whatever.
        They would use Myspace as a via to say mean things they wouldn't say in person. I also saw many heinous, false rumors spread about people that stemmed from Myspace or facebook. Another issue is that many people try to make themselves and their lives seem more interesting than what they really are. So there is a lot of deception involved. Now you have twitter, where people can share with their "followers" what it is they are doing at any  given moment. Irrelevant events such as, "Here at the vet getting the dog groomed" becomes a worthy announcement. I think that these platforms can be very useful in terms of getting an idea out there, makes you able to reach out to many people at the same time, and for more commercial uses. As for fomenting true friendships, well, I think these days most people aware of the fact that you can say you have 26,000 friends on facebook, yet spend most of your days facing the computer screen, and never see any friends in person. So who you say you are online may not match reality.

1 comment:

  1. Being popular for popularity's sake isn't anything new. There're just too many popular losers.
