Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Writing for Cyberspace: Media Literacy

Before the article, I had heard of the term media literacy before, mainly in relation to sources on the internet. It mainly zeroed in on making sure the articles you read online are factual and written by someone with crebibility. I found the tutorial to be very informative. It explains all the aspects of media literacy, such as accessibility and persuasion, not just the credibility part. So going in at depth with all the terms, and the examples of ads and how they are appealing to their audeince was informative.


  1. Making sure a source is crediable is always important especially when doing a research paper

  2. I agree that the examples of the ads were infprmative. I feel like that was the part of the article that interested me the most. I never looked at advertisements the way the author does in the article. For the most part, that kept my attention.

  3. The problem with anything you read in America is capitalism. The problem with capitalism is that it's not a problem for anyone else. Word.
