Sunday, September 16, 2012

blog 3

Where were you on 9/11? Interview
On this occassion I was the interviewer. I spoke to Danielle on what her 9/11 experince was. She lived here in New Jersey, and was a senior in high school when it happened. She had a very descriptive story, and remembered the 9/11 events in more detail than myself (I was only in the sixth grade).
-bacckground info: older, remembers more.
-walked into class, saw it on TV.
-senior in high school
-teacher asked to shut off TV. Went to senior lounge to find out what was happening. School went on lock, everyone rushing out of class to get to loved ones. Reflective look.
-Then was a lot of anger; need someone to blame. Anti- Muslim sentiment. Now there's a sense of disappointmentafter finding out what really happened.
-sense of comrarderie, brotherhood, patriotic*. It's sad that things like that need to happen to get that.
-We need to remember; memorial is very important.
-*Has this faded? Some don't even think there should be a memorial anymore.
-Ended with emphasis on the importance of memorial. Telling our children what happened(going back to earlier convo of who makes history).

Q: Where were you on that day? How did you find out?
A: She walked into class and saw the news footage on T.V. As soon as the images of the plane crashing into the first building appeared, the teacher had her class shut everything off. There were people screaming, very scared and worried about what happened. Later on there was a school lock. There were students trying desperately to get out of school to get their loved ones.

Q: Compare & contrast your feelings about 9/11 from then and now.
A: At the time there was a lot of anger. There was very strong anti- Muslim sentiment, since everyone needed to put the blame on someone in order to feel (somewhat) better about what happened. However, after she found out what was really the cause of this incident (incompetence in our leaders) there was more a sense of disappointment in our leaders. 

Q: What do you feel was the mood overall of the nation/others at that time? How does that vary from your point of view?
A: She says there was more of a sense of camaraderie and brotherhood following the 9/11 events. I point out that it is a travesty that these horrific events are often times what it takes for there to be sense of togetherness in a nation.  

Q: Could you tell a story of a friend or someone you know and their experience?
A: Danielle's best friend lost a loved one. After they saw the footage in class, they went to the senior lounge to listen to the radio about what happened. She just remembers her friend screaming and very overcome with emotion.

Q: How do you feel about the memorials?
Danielle points out that there has been debate over whether or not these 9/11 memorials should take place anymore, since it has been eleven years since the attacks. She says that she feels it is very important to conduct memorials, since it is important to pass on to our children the significance of these events. 

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