Sunday, September 16, 2012

blog 4


first reaction
reaction upon reflection
attitude towards event

Where were you born / Where'd you grow up? - Born in Newark and grew up in Maplewood NJ. Fact

How old were you when 9/11 happened? /Where where you? - Nine years old when 9/11 happened and attending Tusken Elementary. Fact

Discribe the events of the day to the best of you ability. - School had been dimissed without an anouncement of what happened. Her dad picked her up and tried to explain to her what happened but she didn't understand.When she got home she turned on the t.v. and every channel was the news accept for the food network. She remembered crying the intital reaction is an expected reaction, especially as a child and you don't fully understand why this was happening as she heard the news stories of the victims that died so she watched the food network to avoid it. Even though the younger ones at the time didn’t know exactly what was happening she still knew something was wrong. No matter how young you were you were still saddened by what happened.  He parents were on a highway or bridge that has a clear view of the towers when the attack happened. and hit a wall of traffic because cars had stoped and gotten out of their cars to watch. they turned around and went back to pick her up at school. fact

How did you feel about the event? - Though she didn't have a clear understanding of what happened she knew that people had died and that made her sad. Again, there was still an understanding of the grief everyone was feeling

Did you know anyone that was personally involved? - There were people in her grade who's parents went to NY to volunteer to clean the rubble. Fact

How did yo feel about the events that happend? - After the news talked alot aobut Al Qeada, Osama Bin Ladin and the Talaban.
Her parents became paranoid after the attack. They put up a security gate and installed an alarm system in their home. There was a lot fear and a sense of uncertainty after 9/11.

How do your feelings now differ from your feelings then? - She still feels sad about the victims and about the people that were up Muslim faith, middle eastern decent and Sikh who faced discrimination after the attacks. It is a nice change from the usual inital reaction of hate towards people of Muslim faith. Even though she was young she understood that it was wrong to discriminate, and that the hate was misplaced. 

No matter how old you were during the 9/11 events, it was a very emotional time in our country. For the younger ones, you almost didn't really know how to assimilate what was going on. For the younger ones it was pretty scary because you knew something really bad had happened, yet you couldn't understand exactly why. As a child, taking in the reactions of the adults around you is the only way to make the most sense of it, and, at the time, the reactions of many adults weren't exactly the most rational. So not only was it an emotional time, but it was also time of confusion for the children in particular.

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