Monday, September 24, 2012

Blog 5

Predicted rankings for the shaggy dog stories:

Story 1:  2nd funniest

This story was similar to the word play in the snake story from class. "Nope, I'm a frayed knot." carries the double meaning feature that the class described as one of the things that makes something funny.

Story 2:  3th funniest

The punchline of this story makes a reference to the song, "there's no place like home for the holidays." It's similar to the chess story we read in class. However, for some one that has possibly never heard this song, they wouldn't understand the reference, therefore they wouldn't find it funny.

 Story 3:  4th funniest

This story also makes refernce to a song, supercalifragilisticexpealidocius from the film Mary Poppins. Again, if you are someone that is unfamiliar with this film and the song, this story is going to seem pretty dumb.

Story 4:  the funniest

I predict this story would be ranked the funniest because there are some elements in this story that tie to the feautures of what makes something funny that was stated in class. "Would you believe a lawyer that told you the Czech was in the male?" This has the double meaning "would you believe a lawyer that told you the check was in mail?" There is the element of word play and double meaning. There is also an irony to this story, since the sheriff shot the female instead of the male because he didn't believe the lawyer.

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